Welcome! This library guide presents selected resources on culturally responsive teaching including anti-racist practices for Highline College faculty, staff, and administration. Currently the guide is an ongoing collaboration between the Title III grant and the library.
We welcome campus feedback and input at refhelp@highline.edu
Originally the guide was meant to be a supplemental reading list to the Culturally Responsive Educators (CRE) training in Canvas. CRE Canvas course (link here). Canvas will prompt a login. If not previously enrolled, email Allison Green to be admitted to the course.
The library has a related guide, Anti-Racist Resources LibGuide, with general resources on anti-racism.
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Responds dynamically to student learning needs through culturally relevant materials, cultivation of teacher-student learning relationships, incorporation of collaboration, and applying a critical lens to teaching and learning, among other methods (Gay, 2002; Hammond, 2015; Ladson-Billings, 1995).
Antiracist Teaching: The practice of culturally responsive teaching that also challenges issues of institutional and systemic racism to build race literacy and address systems of oppression through real-world action.
Harsma, Elizabeth, Manderfeld, Michael, and Carrie Lewis Miller. Maverick Learning and Educational Applied Research Nexus