Note: Click on the linked heading text to expand or collapse accordion panels.
This collection development policy states the guiding principles and procedures under which collection development activities, including the selection, maintenance, and weeding of print, electronic, and media library materials for the Highline College Library, will occur. This document is to be reviewed every three years. Read the Collection Development Policy.
The first priority of the Highline College (HC) Library is to serve the needs of HC students, faculty, and staff, but community members may use the library in the following ways:
Food and beverages are allowed in all areas of the library.
Please be respectful of all equipment, books, rooms, and furniture by:
Last update: 01/16/25
Location: Second floor, Plaza, Room 206A
This classroom is reserved primarily for library instruction.
The Highline College library instruction classroom contains:
Schedule one or more information literacy sessions for your classes with a librarian in our state-of-the-art classroom at
For scheduling priority information, see: Scheduling Library Instruction for a Class
Last update: 01/16/25
Purpose: The Highline College Library is committed to maintaining an environment conducive to study and research in order to fulfill its role of supporting the College’s educational mission. The Library expects users to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of other library users, staff, materials, and facilities. Because of the structure of the building and the variety of services performed on each floor of the Library, it is recognized that noise levels will vary depending on location in the building.
Because each disruptive situation is unique, library staff must exercise reasonable judgment in assessing the behavior and enforcing the policy. Library staff shall make every effort to apply these standards of conduct in a fair, equal, and positive manner for the benefit of all. Staff members are responsible for knowing the security reporting structure within the library unit in the event action is needed to end a disruptive situation. When in doubt as to whether the behavior constitutes a violation of this policy or as to what action to take, staff are to refer the matter to a supervisor or administrator.
Policy: This policy shall apply to all library users, regardless of their affiliation with the College (student, faculty, staff, public borrower). The following are prohibited in library facilities:
Serious or Repeat Violations
Privacy of Library Records
The Highline College Library provides access to its own and other libraries’ catalogs, online databases and the Internet. Access and use of these information resources are primary services of the library and will be governed by the same principles and laws that govern access and use of other resources in the Highline College library.
These principles and laws pertain to accessing and using electronic resources via computers within the library, computers housed elsewhere on the Highline Campus, and access from remote locations.
To help fulfill its purpose, the library will adhere to the following principles and laws:
Intellectual Freedom
Intellectual Freedom is the right of individuals to believe what they wish on any subject, and to express beliefs or ideas openly. Integral to this freedom is the right of unrestrained access to all information and ideas regardless of the medium of communications used. Highline Community College shall attempt to present a broad spectrum of points of view and shall not exclude materials because of the race, nationality, sexual preference, or social, political or religious views of the authors. (Highline Community College Library, Library Policy Statement, May 1984)
Confidentiality of records
RCW 42.56.210 provides for the confidentiality of library records (1.l). RCW 42.56.210
Certain personal and other records exempt. (l) The following are exempt from public inspection and copying:
(l) Any library record, the primary purpose of which is to maintain control of library materials, or to gain access to information, which discloses or could be used to disclose the identity of a library user. Highline’s workstation and network logs that collect and retain information concerning information resources accessed shall be considered library records.
Maintenance of protected records
Library records will be retained only to the extent necessary to conduct the business of the library/college, such as tracking overdue materials or managing the efficient functioning of the workstation or network.
Release of protected records
RCW 42.56.210 provides for the release of protected records by action of the superior court.
RCW 42.56.210
Certain personal and other records exempt.
(2) Inspection or copying of any specific records exempt under the provisions of this section may be permitted if the superior court in the county in which the record is maintained finds, after a hearing with notice thereof to every person in interest and the agency, that the exemption of such records is clearly unnecessary to protect any individual's right of privacy or any vital governmental function.
*1321 WAC: Highline Community College
168A Use of the Library
010 Purpose of the Library
Highline College Library, in its role of cooperating against the abridgement of free expression and free access to ideas, provides public information and enlightenment through its responsibility to maintain books and other materials of value for their wide range of information, interest, viewpoints and enlightenment on the problems and issues of our times. Just as its doors remain open to all individuals, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, national origin or socio-political views, so its shelves remain open to all books regardless of the author’s age, sex, race, religion, national origin or socio-economic viewpoint. Further, Highline College’s library perceives itself as challenger to all attempts at censorship and/or proscription of views of either patron or authors because it is an education institution for democratic living.
Objective: This policy attempts to balance the library staff’s desire to be both supportive of the needs of students as well as protective of the dangers for unattended children in public places. The staff of the library is sympathetic to the demands of parents who are attempting to balance work, school and child care; however, the library cannot be assumed to be a safe place for unattended children.
Policy: Young children (12 years of age and under) are permitted in the library only when under the direct supervision of a responsible adult (18 years of age or older). Children will be asked to show a photo identification such as a school ID card or Washington state ID card as a proof of their age.
Procedure: When a staff member observes an unsupervised young child (as defined above), the staff member should approach the child and try to determine who is supervising the child. The staff member should identify her/himself as an employee of the library and, in a non-threatening way, should try to determine the name and location of the responsible adult.
This policy applies to the children of students and employees of the college as well as the general public.
Who can appeal?
All library users can appeal. Charges may be upheld, reduced, or cancelled.
When do I appeal?
Appeals must be filed within twenty-one (21) days of billing or of when the library user is made aware of the charges.
Reference materials are non-circulating. In some instances, however, they may circulate for brief periods with the permission of a reference librarian.
Your Highline College (HC) or CWU student identification card (ID) is your library card.
Please pickup your HC Student Identification card at the Registration & Records Department in Building 6.
Public Borrowers/Community Use
Members of the community must visit the HC library with current photo ID and fill out a Public Borrower's form in order to get a card to checkout books, periodicals, or media items. Public borrowers cannot access ILL services, checkout Reserve Collection books, or library databases from off-campus.
Textbooks for use in the library are located in the Reserve Collection at the Circulation Desk, 2nd floor Plaza level. Most reserve textbooks are available for 2-hour checkout.
Search the Course Reserves online to see if the library has your textbook(s) in the Reserve Collection.
Placing Materials on Reserve
All patrons are responsible for the materials they check out. If materials are damaged beyond repair (Examples of damage include soiled pages or water damage, pencil/crayon/pen marks on multiple pages, teeth marks, page(s) torn off), the fines must be paid or a new copy of the book(s) can replace the fines.
If you do not renew or return materials, we will assume the materials are lost. You will receive an email notification of Lost Material Fine(s). If the lost items are returned, all fines are cleared from your library record.
Lost material fines: $22.00 per book, $10.00 per Media Collection item, or $100.00 per Rental Graphing Calculator.
There are 71 computers available to patrons on a first-come, first-served basis in the library Information Commons. Highline College and Central Washington University students doing college related work have priority on using the computers. All computers have internet access and the Microsoft Office 2010 products Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Patrons may transfer documents to and from portable devices such as a USB memory drive. View the Computing Resources Appropriate Use Policy on the Campus Policies page.
There is no charge to use the computers, but there is a charge for printing or copying.
There are two Black & White printers and one Color printer available. The printers only offer 8.5" x 11" (letter) sized paper. Additional information regarding printing (including costs) is available in the Printing Guide for Highline Students.
Current students are provided with a credit each quarter to use for printing and/or copying. Students must first activate their myHighline account in order to access these funds. See the front library Circulation Desk staff for your myHighline Activation Code.
If a student has used up their credit for the quarter, they may add value to their account at the kiosks in Building 6 (First floor), the Library (Building 25, Plaza level), Building 29, and Building 30 prior to printing/copying. The kiosks only accept paper U.S. currency ($1, $5, $10, $20) and do not provide change.
The 2 copy machines on the 2nd floor, Plaza (near the restrooms) in the library provide two sizes of paper, 8.5" x 11" (letter) and 11" x 17" and allow for either single- or double-sided copying. Information regarding the cost of copying is available on the Student Printing page, see the paragraph 'Printing Costs'.
For instructions on how to logon to the copiers, please ask at the Circulation counter (Plaza level) or view this document.
The copy machines in the library can be used to scan book pages or documents. The scanned images are sent to the email address of your choice as a .pdf file. There is no charge for scanning in the library.
Assistive Technologies
The Library collaborates with Access Services to provide assistive technology resources to complement student computing needs, particularly in support of students with physical or learning disabilities. Please ask for assistance with these resources at the Circulation Desk on the 2nd floor (Plaza level).
What types of assistive technologies and adaptive equipment can I find at the Library?
Adjustable Tables
Locations: 2 on 2nd floor (Plaza, east), 1 on 4th floor
These tables adjust easily to accommodate different height requirements. Individuals in wheelchairs often need to adjust their workstation to accommodate their wheelchair. Both of the adjustable tables on the 2nd floor are equipped with a computer. .
Video Phone - for sign language users
Location: 2nd floor (Plaza, West)
Sorenson video phone. Allows you to place calls using sign language, either calling another video phone directly or placing a call through an interpreter. To check out the remote control, please go to the Circulation Desk on the 2nd floor (Plaza level).
Vision Magnifiers
Location: 1 on 2nd floor
One Acrobat HD Desktop Magnifier (Room 419) provides magnification of printed material onto a monitor. The reading material is placed on the viewing table and projected onto a screen magnified to the size needed by the individual.
Zoom Feature
Location: All Information Commons computers - 2nd floor (Plaza, east)
Note: The Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox browsers all have a zoom feature that increases the font size on the computer monitors. It may be used by pressing CTRL and either + (to zoom in) or - (to zoom out) or 0 (to reset).
Library ADA Workstations
Location: 2nd floor (Plaza, east)
The library has 2 accessible computers for people with disabilities. Priority use will be given to students with Letters of Accommodation.
Both ADA-accessible computers are equipped with a trackball to make it easier to use a mouse.
Computers are equipped with:
ZoomText 8.1
ZoomText is a powerful screen magnifier and screen reader that makes the computer easier to see, hear, and use. It is designed for individuals with visual impairments such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. It enlarges computer text and photographs, and can read text out loud.
JAWS screen reader
With JAWS for Windows, blind and visually impaired users can browse the Web, read or write email messages, or access database information. Using JAWS for Windows is relatively easy to do. The pitch, speed and gender of the voice can be easily altered to match the user's comfort range.
Kurzweil 3000
Kurzweil 3000 was designed as a learning aid for people who have difficulty reading. It can help users read faster and understand more. By speaking and highlighting or enlarging text, it provides both auditory and visual input to the reader. The program reads text scanned from a book or document or it can open and read a word processing file. The original page layout, including pictures and charts, etc., are maintained and displayed on the screen. Changing the reading speed and voice is simple and words can be spelled, broken into syllables and defined with the click of a button.