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Remote Resources for Highline College Library Users: Home

Remote Resources for Highline College Library Users

When the Library is closed, or you prefer to work remotely, there are many ways the Library can provide you with expert help and services. Always check the Library’s website for the latest info about our hours and services.

Get Online Help 24/7

Last minute citation question? Want help with research? Need to reach us from off campus? Ask us! You can email us, or chat with a librarian 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from the convenience of your home! This service is staffed by Highline Librarians but at peak service times or off-hours you may be chatting with a librarian from another academic library.

Librarian Consultations

Librarians are available for remote consultations via email or online (e.g. Zoom) during online services hours. To schedule an online consultation using Zoom, see the instructions on the Consultations website.

Online Materials and Tools

The Highline Library has loads of digital materials available for you if you can’t make it to campus to pick up physical items. In Highline Library’s One Search, use the filters on the left hand side of the screen to focus on ebooks, streaming audio or video, and other online resources. We have many databases that provide access to digital articles, video, and more!

If you are not on campus, use your myHC username and password (same as for Canvas) to access articles and ebooks in the library databases and other resources! See Off-Campus Access for details.

Request Print Books and DVDs from the Library Collection

You can borrow print copies of books and DVDs from the library. Please follow the steps for requesting library materials and then check your Highline email account for information from our Library Circulation Services on how to pick up your requested materials.

Note: Textbooks on reserve in the library may only be used inside the library building. If you need assistance with locating and/or purchasing a textbook, please visit our Looking for Course Textbooks guide.

Interlibrary Loan

Services for Highline students, staff and faculty include Interlibrary Loans (ILL) to fill requests for articles, books and media requested from other libraries. Interlibrary Loans may take two weeks or more to fill. Some ILL requests may be cancelled if other libraries are unable to fill the request. To make a request for an Interlibrary Loan item, fill out this form.

Renew Books Online

You can also renew your books online - just log into Your Library Account (just like Canvas). You will see your active loans displayed on the Loans section. Look for the title you need to renew and click renew. You can also renew all your active loans by selecting Renew All. This page tells you how.

Returning Materials

All library materials (books, rental graphing calculators) can be returned in the book drop located outside the main library entrance OR during library open hours in the return slot at the Circulation Desk. You will receive email notification when library materials have been checked in. Please remember to monitor your Highline email account.

Trouble Logging In?

Check out our technical troubleshooting page to learn more. If you are still running into issues, please contact us at

Contact Us

Have other remote needs? New ideas for how the Libraries can support you from off-campus? Send your comments to us at