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Algorithmic Justice: Home


Algorithmic Justice: "The application of principles of social justice and applied ethics to the design, deployment, regulation, and ongoing use of algorithmic systems so that the potential for harm is reduced" (Head, Fister, and MacMillan, 2024).

Algorithmic Reparations: Drawing from intersectionality critical race theory, Davis, Williams, and Yang argue that we must "name, unmask, and undo allocative and representational harms as they materialize in sociotechnical form." They suggest algorithmic reparations as "a foundation for building, evaluating, and when necessary, omitting and eradicating machine learning systems" (2021).


Davis, J. L., Williams, A., & Yang, M. W. (2021). Algorithmic reparation. Big Data & Society8(2), 205395172110448., and when necessary, omitting and eradicating machine learning systems."

Head, A. J., Fister, B., & Macmillan, M. (2024). Information literacy in the age of algorithms: Student experiences with news and information, and the need for change. LibreTexts. 

AI, Ain't I a Woman?

Spoken word poem from Dr. Joy Buolamwini