Finding statistics on your topic can be tricky, but the tips on this library guide will help you get started. If you search for more than 15 minutes and can't find what you're looking for, please contact us using the Ask a Librarian page.
Statista provides statistics, consumer survey results, and industry studies on over 60,000 topics. To learn more, watch the Statista video tutorial
Finding Articles: You can find articles with statistics in them by using the library's Search Everything tool from the library's home page.
Finding Web Sites: You can also find web sites in a similar way.
After you do an initial search in Google, you will see a cog icon in the upper right corner.
Click that to go to Advanced Search.
On the Advanced Search screen, you can limit your search to .gov web sites (or .edu, .org, etc.). Government web sites are a good place to find statistics.