Printing (and preparing) PowerPoint presentations
- Designed for the screen—not for paper
- Upload only the printable version—6 slides to a page
- Use a light background with dark text
Put handouts on Canvas or reserve in the library
- Use PDFs
- Design your classes so students don’t need the handouts right in front of them
- Put course packets on reserve at the library—copies are cheaper than printing
Electronic submissions of papers and tests
- Use dropbox in Canvas
- Create a folder in Outlook
Electronic peer review
- Use dropboxes
- Use discussion forums
Use the comment feature in Word
- Don't track changes
- Can save to pdf for students not using Word
Allow students to submit work that is printed on both sides
- Small change for us but big savings on paper and cost for them
Consider setting up class in a way that students don’t need paper copies of handouts, etc.
- Use overhead, Canvas web in class