In Person (Circulation Desk, Plaza level, 2nd floor)
Call 206-592-3234
To place a renewal request online, go to My Library Account logon to your account, under "Loans" select "Renew or Renew all."
You may renew an item a maximum of two times. If another patron has placed a Hold for that item you may not renew it. Telephone and online renewals must be completed before the current due date. Overdue items or items renewed twice online must be brought in to the library in person before another renewal can be granted.
Please return all items to the "Return" slot on the side of the 2nd floor Plaza Circulation Desk. If the library is not open, all items may be returned to the outside Library Drop Box, to the left of the main entrance on the south side of the library, Building 25. Faculty and staff may send library materials to Library, Mailstop 25-2 via campus mail.
Books in the Reference Collection (2nd floor, east), Legal Collection (4th floor), and the Reserve Collection (2nd floor at the Circulation Desk) may only be used inside the library building.
If you look up materials in the catalog that show as being "Available" but cannot find them, visit the Circulation Desk and ask for assistance. If something is checked out, you may place a Hold on it and you will receive an email when it is available.
In the Library Catalog, sign in with your myHighline username and password, go to the record for the book that you want, click on "Get It" > Requests "Place a Hold" or ask for assistance at the 2nd floor Reference Desk. You can choose to pick up the book at the Circulation Desk or have it delivered to your office if you are faculty or staff.
You will receive an email to your Highline email address when the item(s) are processed and ready for pickup from the Hold shelf at the 2nd floor, Plaza Circulation Desk. Holds are available at the Circulation Desk for up to seven days.
If a Hold request has been placed for an item not currently in the library, you will receive an email when it is available for pickup at the 2nd floor, Plaza Circulation Desk.
If you receive an overdue notice via email for a library item, please return it. If you are sure that the item has been returned, or you have lost library materials, please call 206-592-3234 or visit the Circulation Desk.
There are no daily fines for overdue materials.
All patrons are responsible for the materials they check out. If materials are damaged beyond repair (Examples of damage include soiled pages or water damage, pencil/crayon/pen marks on multiple pages, teeth marks, page(s) torn off), the fines must be paid or a new copy of the book(s) can replace the fines.
If you do not renew or return materials, we will assume the materials are lost. You will receive an email notification of Lost Material Fine(s). If the lost items are returned, all fines are cleared from your library record.
Lost material fines: $22.00 per book, $10.00 per Media Collection item, or $100.00 per Rental Graphing Calculator.
Highline Librarians are available during the hours below:
Opening Week Hours
Monday, Thursday, & Friday: 8am-5pm
Tuesday: 12pm-5pm
Wednesday: 11am-5pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
In Person Highline Library, Building 25 |
By Phone 206.592.3232 |
By Email |
By Chat Ask Us 24/7! |
By Consultation Schedule a Consultation! |