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Introduction to Law

This guide provides a practical overview to the legal resources at the Highline library and available over the web.

Administrative Law: Definition

Administrative Law is the regulations, rules, and procedures created by administrative agencies. At the federal level, these agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, Health and Human Services, the Departments of Justice, Labor, Homeland Security, Agriculture, Education, Defense, etc. report to the President of the United States. At the Washington State level, administrative agencies include the Department of Ecology, Department of Social and Health Services, State Board of Education, Department of Labor and Industries, Department of Natural Resources, State Patrol, etc. all report to the governor. The regulations, rules, and procedures created by these agencies are usually special to the agency, meaning that they only apply to the agency creating them. 

Administrative law is also present at the town, city, and county levels. 

Administrative Law

Legal Collection
Code of Federal Regulations
  348.025 C64   

Washington Administrative Code  348.797025 W319    

Washington Administrative Code

Code of Federal Regulations

The administrative law of the United States at the federal level is found in the Code of Federal Regulation.  Also, each state has its own administrative law.  For Washington State, this is called the Washington Administrative Code.   Cities and counties have their own rules and regulations that comprise their administrative laws.  For example, the City of Des Moines has a Permit Center where one can go to find the process and forms for land use, construction, sign posting, building permits, etc. These are all examples of administrative rules, regulations, and procedures.

Administrative codes are arranged by titles.  Individual titles can consist of one or more print volumes. 

Reading Administrative Law Citations

Reading Administrative Law Citations
Administrative rules and regulations are broadly arranged by title, then chapter, then section.  For the Code of Federal Regulations, chapters are often not included in the citations, as the example below indicates.